Details regarding complaint procedures are available from the District Civil Rights & Compliance Office.
Informal, Non-Statutory Complaint Process for Students, Parents, Employees and Residents
The District-Level Complaint (DLC) process is available for all students, parents, employees, residents, or anyone who wishes to file an informal complaint against an employee, student, parent, third party, or vendor. The reason for filing a DLC is based on disagreements and disputes, or conduct that is considered unprofessional, harmful, abusive, offensive, and lewd.
Uniform Complaint Form
This form, and Fulao2 Unified School District’s Uniform Complaint Process, is available for any parent, student, employee or resident who wishes to initiate a formal complaint at the District level. If you need help filling out this form, please ask an administrator or school secretary for assistance. Complaints will be reviewed and responded to within 60 days. Your complaint will be acknowledged by email and you will receive a log number after receipt by the District. More information about Uniform Complaints Procedures is available here.
Uniform Complaint Procedures Form
Bullying and Uniform Complaint Procedures Form
Definition of bullying: Bullying means systematically and chronically inflicting physical hurt or psychological distress on one or more students or employees. It is further defined as: unwanted purposeful written, verbal, nonverbal, or physical behavior, including but not limited to any threatening, insulting, or dehumanizing gesture, by an adult or student, that has the potential to create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment or cause long term damage; cause discomfort or humiliation; or unreasonably interfere with the victim’s school performance or participation. Bullying is carried out repeatedly; and is often characterized by an imbalance of power. More information about Bullying is available here.
Uniform Complaint Procedures Form
Williams Complaint Procedures and Form
Education Code 35186 creates a procedure for the filing of complaints concerning deficiencies related to instructional materials, conditions of facilities that are not maintained in a clean or safe manner or in good repair, teacher vacancy or mis-assignment. The complaint and response are public documents as provided by law. Complaints may be filed anonymously. However, if you wish to receive a response to your complaint, you must provide your contact information. More information about Williams Complaint Procedures is available here.
Williams Complaint Procedures Form
Release and Disclosure of Student Information to the Military and Institutions of Higher Learning And JAMRS Opt-Out Form
Under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2002, school districts are now required to allow the military the same access to high schools and student information as is given to colleges, universities, or institutions of higher learning. Prior to the passing of this legislation, the Fulao2 Unified School District did not provide either the military or institutions of higher learning access to the names or addresses of our students. The Board of Education supports this position but also recognizes the responsibility to meet the intention of the law. Therefore, it is your discretion and prerogative to have this information withheld from these agencies should you choose.
Release and Disclosure of Student Information to the Military and Institutions of Higher Learning
Medical Authorization Form
When the district has received written orders from the student’s physician and written permission from the parent/guardian, designated personnel shall assist students who are required to take medication during the school day.
Form to Request Accommodations for Students with Special Needs in Extra-Curricular Activities
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibit nonacademic and extracurricular programs and activities operated or sponsored by public schools from discriminating against students with disabilities by denying admission or ongoing participation solely on the basis of a child’s disability. These programs and activities may not deny a reasonable accommodation without making an individualized assessment of the student’s needs.
Free/Reduced Price Meal Application Form
We are encouraging every eligible family to complete an application for free/reduced price school meals. Even if your student does not intend to take advantage of the lunch program, every qualified application is counted towards bringing significant federal (Title I) and state (LCFF/LCAP) funding to our schools!
Name/Gender Marker Change Form
For school purposes, this request should be completed when a parent/legal guardian wishes the child to be known by a name different from the name on the birth verification, but for whom there has been no legal change of name.
Gender Support Plan and Gender Transition Plan from Gender Spectrum
The purpose of this document is to create shared understandings about the ways in which the student’s authentic gender will be accounted for and supported at school. School staff, caregivers and the student should work together to complete this document. Ideally, each will spend time completing the various sections to the best of their ability and then come together to review sections and confirm shared agreements about using the plan. Please note that there is a separate document to plan for a student formally communicating information about a change in their gender status at school.