New Escape Employee Portal Now Available
We are pleased to announce the availability of the new Escape Employee Online Portal (EOP) for self-service access to all of your employment information. The portal is your place to view pay stubs and tax documents (for pay periods beginning July 2022 or later), check pay dates, view and edit your demographic information, and more!
What Do I Need to Do?
In order to be able to access the portal, simply register your account using . You will need:
- The email address on file.
- Your full first name as it appears on file.
- Your full last name as it appears on file.
- Your date of birth.
- The last four digits of your social security number.
The information you type to register must exactly match what is on file for you in our system, so please use the spelling and punctuation as it appears on your paycheck. If you are unable to complete the registration process because of mismatched information, please email
Legacy Access to Pay and Tax Info Prior to July 2022
Access to the prior QSS ESS system is past the support period. If you are unable to access using the instructions below, please email to have historical documents sent to you.
All Fulao2 Unified Staff can now look up their Pay, Leave Balances, W-2s and address of record by logging into
Skip to section:
- How to set up an account
- How to log into your account
- How to access your pay stubs, W-2s, and other information
system is available from the district, your home or any other location where you can get on the internet during the hours of 8am to 10pm, seven days a week. The Employee Self-Service system has the following information:
- Address information
- Leave information
- Payroll information (recent paychecks)
- W-2 information
In our efforts to become a paperless District that is more efficient, Direct Deposit stubs will no longer be mailed to home addresses beginning August 1, 2019. You are able to view and print your stubs directly via ESS.
If you have already registered with ESS and need your password reset, please enter a helpdesk request at
Things you should know before proceeding:
- The information is read-only – there is no way to change the information. If you need to change your address or other information contact .
- Your absence certificate information is only as accurate as the certificates that have made their way to the HR department and been entered. For example, if you take a week vacation, and submit the Absence Certificate on the day you return, it will take a some time for your supervisor to sign the Absence Certificate and then for it to get to HR and be entered.
To begin, you must establish an account in the Employee Self-Service server. After your account is created, you can return at any time by just clicking on login. NOTE: ESS is slow, so be patient as you go through each step.
How to log into your account
Step 1:
Log into your email.
Step 2:
Go to
Step 3:
Click on the word SAML under Login at the top right — ignore the login on the left.

How to access your information
Once you are logged in, click on My Info on the left hand side below the picture.
The tabs provide read-only access to the data. The six Tabs are: Personnel Info, Pay History, Leave, W2/ACAs. (The other tabs are not active.)
To access your pay stub:
Then click YES to view image next to the specific check you are requesting to view.
To access your W-2:
Note: This information is read-only. If you need to change your address or other information contact . Leave information may not reflect recent absences.
How to set up an account
You will need to know the following information in order to set up an account:
- The last 4 digits of your social security number
- Your date of birth
- Your employee ID number. You can find your employee number on your direct deposit slip or or your pay stub.
Step 1:
To begin registration, go to . You can click on the link, or copy and paste the URL into Google Chrome or another web browser. If this is your first time on the site, click register.
Note: Next time you visit, you will click login.
Step 2:
In the next window you create your account. You only have to do this step once.
- – Last four digits of your Social Security number
- – Your employee id number (you can find this on any pay stub)
- – Your date of birth
Then, enter your desired login name and password. Use something you will remember. You may want to use a login similar to your account. Make sure you store your password in a password manager or your phone so you don’t forget it.
Step 3:
If you have problems, please submit a helpdesk ticket at